[libopencm3-devel] USB MIDI not working
2017-01-20 15:32:07 UTC

I managed to build locm3 and to run the blink example.

I now compiled the usbmidi.c example for the stm32f4 discovery, but when
plugging in the usb cable, Win7 (64-bit) reports "unknown device".

I compiled a USB CDC example using CubeMX before, and it worked. So the
hardware is ok. I also tried different usb-ports on my PC, but without

Do you have any advice on how to solve this problem?

Daniel Thompson
2017-01-22 14:28:51 UTC
The wrote the patches to introduce USB midi but I'm afraid I only tested with a Linux PC (since that's all I've got). The code is (or should be) class compliant so I don't think Windows would need extra drivers but I've not got much experience here... It is possible you might need some kind of .inf file to help windows out a bit.

Post by Thorsten
I managed to build locm3 and to run the blink example.
I now compiled the usbmidi.c example for the stm32f4 discovery, but when
plugging in the usb cable, Win7 (64-bit) reports "unknown device".
I compiled a USB CDC example using CubeMX before, and it worked. So the
hardware is ok. I also tried different usb-ports on my PC, but without
Do you have any advice on how to solve this problem?
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